Elizabeth Whelton Studios is an art and design company offering original art, design products, handmade textiles, and art and design consulting.

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Summer Sessions

Summer Sessions

Summer in New Hampshire and Maine may be brief, but it is the season that holds (for many of us) the memories of impactful childhood freedoms, a feeling of expansiveness, and almost unlimited creativity. Coming from of family of painters, musicians, farmers, builders, and cooks, my family culture has always embraced the possibilities of each day during the short season.

Summer is also the time of year when we gather often at the end of the day… to share fresh food from local farms and reflect on the challenges endured by each individual. Tales of mud-mired tractors, progress reports on building projects, new learnings from educational pursuits, it all happens around a family meal. Often, a new painting makes it out of the car (in order to solicit input on possible improvements from the most trustworthy audience—those that know me well). Through the process of listening, laughing, and story-telling we all benefit from the sense of community. These Summer Sessions often provide a direction for the future and a sense of renewal.

Being Outside

Being Outside

Art in the Rain

Art in the Rain