The Pink House

The Pink House


10.5” x 14” ORIGINAL. Medium: Watercolor on 300lb Arches watercolor paper. This painting is framed to 18” X 22” in a wooden grey flat-faced frame. The Pink House is an iconic dwelling in Strawbery Banke, Portsmouth that reflects a simpler time and transforms in shape as the light and shadows change among the other historic buildings.

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Leaning Towards West, ORIGINAL, Watercolor and Gouche on Arches 300lb cold press. (Image: 22” X 30” framed to 28” X 35.5”).

The Very End of Rayne's Neck, York ME B0496C48-C046-45B5-B394-2363A7E46BD6_1_105_c.jpg

The Very End of Rayne's Neck, York ME

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The Shape of Trees - Parsons Beach Wildlife Area, Wells ME

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Hidden Orchard, Spaulding Farm

Color and Cascade

Color and Cascade

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Near and Far - North Conway, NH
